Frequently Asked Questions


What is Patuxent Commons?

Patuxent Commons is a concept for a mixed income community to be developed in Howard County for adults with disabilities, older adults, and younger adults and families. Preliminary plans call for 76 units of housing, 25% of which will be set aside for adults with disabilities, and 8,000 square feet of activity and meeting space to be used by Patuxent Commons residents and members of the larger community.

Who’s behind this project?

A group of public and private sector community leaders and stakeholders, led by the Howard County Autism Society (HCAS), assembled to plan and develop this concept under the direction of a 12-member Task Force. In 2019, following a competitive selection process, the Task Force chose Mission First Housing Group to be the developer for Patuxent Commons. Mission First is a highly experienced developer and manager of affordable housing developments throughout the mid-Atlantic region. They have particular expertise in innovative housing models that support populations with special needs, experience which makes them well-equipped to execute the Patuxent Commons vision.

What’s unique about this concept?

At Patuxent Commons, residents will be asked to commit to being good neighbors. This will mean different things for different people, depending on their interests, abilities and inclinations. For some people, it’ll mean checking in with a fellow resident every now and then and inviting them over for an occasional dinner or cup of coffee. For others, it’ll involve giving someone a ride to the mall, helping with a job interview, assisting with school work or simply taking the time to talk. For everyone, it’ll mean an opportunity to be a part of a mutually supportive community with neighbors who share their values and commitment to diversity.

Why are only 25% of the units being set aside for people with disabilities? This seems like a small number.

Mission First, HCAS and other supporters of this project are firmly committed to creating a genuinely diverse and inclusive community. Limiting the number of units specifically set aside for people with disabilities will help ensure that people of all abilities are able to live as neighbors at Patuxent Commons. The 25% cap also aligns with state and federal policy designed to support the full inclusion of people with disabilities into the larger community.

Will this be a gated community?

No. It’ll be freely accessible, fully inclusive and very much a part of the Hickory Ridge neighborhood. Residents will make their own decisions about how they want to spend their time and with whom they want to associate. Patuxent Commons will be a springboard for people with and without disabilities to experience an even greater degree of engagement with the larger community.

Will apartments be for rent or sale?

All units will be rentals.

How will it be funded?

A diverse set of revenue sources will support the construction of the project. Public funds will constitute a majority of capital costs; the Howard County government has committed $2 million of county funds and Mission First has submitted several large federal and state housing grant applications. A major private foundation has also invited the project to begin the process of applying for a $1 million grant and additional private fundraising will be undertaken.

Is this project only for people with autism?

No. While HCAS has a special interest in addressing the needs of individuals with autism, this project will serve individuals with a range of disabilities, as well as individuals without disabilities.

I’m interested in living at Patuxent Commons.  Can I apply or get on a waiting a list?

No applications are being taken and there is no waiting list.  As project planning advances, information about resident selection and applications will be provided.

What’s the timeline for Patuxent Commons?

We are currently working to bring the project online and open for residents in 2023.

What will it cost to live in the community?

Rent has yet to be determined but Patuxent Commons will be a mixed income community where people of various incomes will be able to afford to live.  Since most of our residents with disabilities will likely have lower incomes, all or most of the apartments set aside for them will be affordable for households with income that is between 13% and 30% of the average median income (AMI) for Howard County.

What project research have you undertaken and community input have you engaged to date?

We’ve invested considerable time and resources in due diligence activities, including development of program guidelines, preliminary market research, financial feasibility, and initial architectural design concepts.  We’ve also held conversations, large and small, with community members to actively seek their advice and input regarding the development of this concept.  And we’ll be undertaking a series of “user design” sessions with prospective residents and stakeholders over the coming months to gather additional input that will inform the ongoing planning and development of Patuxent Commons.

What’s the best way to stay informed about Patuxent Commons?

Join our community of friends and sign up for ongoing project updates here. We will also be launching a platform on CoUrbanize soon that will allow community members to share their thoughts and comments about Patuxent Commons.